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Healthy lives

An example of a Point-of-sale tobacco display

Ban on Tobacco Displays at the Point-of-sale

Point-of-sale marketing of tobacco, including tobacco display racks and sales incentives for retailers, has grown in importance to tobacco companies as other forms of tobacco advertising have been prohibited. 1, 2 Tobacco companies have not disclosed their spend on marketing in the UK, but in the US Point-of-sale marketing accounted for …

Health is Global – UK Global Health Strategy

“Health is Global” the United Kingdom’s (UK) Global Health strategy was launched in September 2008 because, in today’s globalised and inter-dependant world, health has become a global issue.1 A recently launched outcomes framework focuses on three areas: global health security; international development; and trade for better health.2 Global health security …

Minimum pricing of alcohol

The evidence suggests that young people, binge drinkers and heavier drinkers tend to drink cheaper products.  Therefore, it is suggested that any increase in price would reduce the amount of alcohol consumed by these groups rather than moderate drinkers 1, 2. Description of the policy The government is proposing to …

Needle exchange schemes for injecting drug users

The government proposes to continue supporting the provision of needle exchange schemes to reduce harms associated with injecting drug use.1 In particular, young injecting drug users (IDUs) have been found to be at higher risk of acquiring HIV infection.2 Injecting drug use and HIV are also common in prisons.2 Evidence …

Acknowledgement: ASH

Plain packaging on cigarette packs

“Plain packaging” (also known as generic, standardised or homogenous packaging) means that all logos, graphics, and colours are removed from cigarette packs. Only the brand name of the tobacco company can remain – written in a simple, standard font which would be the same for all brands. The pack itself …