
On coming into office last year the Coalition government launched their ‘Big Society’ initiative. The encouragement of social action and volunteering were placed high on this agenda, which was demonstrated in two of the initiatives’ key aims: to give communities more powers; and to encourage people to take a more active role in their communities.1

The ‘Giving’ White Paper was subsequently published in May 2011, outlining the ways in which the government aims to support the giving of both time and money by individuals and organisations.2 In line with this, a £40 million investment in volunteering and social action was proposed through a number of new channels which include a Neighbourhood Matched Fund. This aims to provide financial support for community-led projects in targeted neighbourhoods of England with low social capital and significant deprivation.2

Evidence of the possible benefits

If successful in increasing the number of individuals and organisations that give of their time and resources, the proposed plans may lead to several health benefits among those who participate in volunteering.

Firstly, volunteering has been shown to improve both the physical and mental well-being of volunteers, particularly among the elderly.34 A growing body of research consisting of review articles, observational studies and randomised evaluations of volunteer programmes have been published to support this.567

Secondly, public health guidance published by NICE regarding community engagement noted that more positive health outcomes, greater sense of belonging to a community and improved sense of well-being, may result from community engagement when approaches are used that help communities to work as equal partners with professionals.8

Evidence of the possible risks

Recent research conducted by two civil society organisations have shown that wider government budget cuts affecting local authorities (LA) may have a negative effect on participation in volunteering.9 A report published by the London Voluntary Service Council found that, although 81% of voluntary group respondents reported an increase in demand for their services during 2010-11, 51% reported having to close services during this period.9

The opportunity cost of funding and supporting volunteering must also be borne in mind. However, clear evidence comparing the cost and health benefits from volunteering with those associated with other means of health improvement, is not yet available.

Several other risks to the wellbeing of volunteers may include: accidents or injury to volunteers, and volunteers exceeding roles, descriptions, skills or authority.10

Implications for health and well-being

There is evidence of clear health benefit associated with volunteering and community participation.345 Any plans to encourage and widen participation in volunteering and community participation should therefore be welcomed. However, the government’s plans to encourage volunteering may be counteracted by the budget cuts imposed upon LAs. If a large proportion of community and voluntary organisations have to reduce or cease their activities due to reduced support from their LAs, the wider policy plans of the government may inadvertently reduce participation in volunteering.

Author: Dr Catherine Mbema, Public Health Speciality Registrar, London KSS

1. The Cabinet Office (2010). Building the Big Society. Available at http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/news/building-big-society Accessed 4 August 2011

2. The Cabinet Office (2011). Giving White Paper. Available at http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/resource-library/giving-white-paper Accessed 29 June 2011

3. Morrow-Howell N. Volunteering in later life: research frontiers. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 2010;65B(4), 461–469.

4. Pillavin, JA et al. Health benefits of volunteering in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study. Journal of Health and Social Behaviour, 2007: Dec (4):450-64

5. Tan E et al. Volunteering: A Physical Activity Intervention for Older Adults—The Experience Corps Program in Baltimore. Journal of Urban Health 2006;83(5): 954-6.

6. Population Reference Bureau (2011). Volunteering and Health for Ageing Populations. Today’s research on Ageing: Program and Policy Implications, Issue 21. Available at http://www.prb.org/pdf11/TodaysResearchAging21.pdf Accessed 24 August 2011.

7. Marc A. Musick, A. Regula Herzog, and James S. House (1999). Volunteering and Mortality among Older Adults: Findings from a National Sample. Journal of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 54, (3): S173-80.

8. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2008). Community engagement to improve health. Available at http://guidance.nice.org.uk/PH9/Guidance/pdf/English Accessed 4 August 2011

9. The London Voluntary Service Council (2011). The Big Squeeze. Available at http://www.lvsc.org.uk/media/52273/big%20squeeze%203%20final%20report.pdf Accessed 4 August 2011

10. Gaskin K (2006). Risk Toolkit: How to take care of risk in volunteering. A guide for organisations. Institute for Volunteering Research and Volunteering England. Available at http://www.ivr.org.uk/Institute+of+Volunteering+Research%2fMigrated+Resources%2fDocuments%2fR%2fRisk_toolkit.pdf Accessed 24 August 2011.

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